“Cubify” 3D Printed “Ceramics” by Michael Eden

digital printing, artstormer, art, artist, ceramics, Michael Eden

digital printing, artstormer, art, artist, ceramics, Michael Eden

I am completely fascinated by “3D Printing” technology”.  I can’t get my arms around it.   Read this!

At the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas printer manufacturer 3D Systemshas launched the first “consumer” 3D printer that isn’t a kit, nor prohibitively expensive.

3D printing is the process whereby a digital file, a 3D drawing created using a computer, can be created physically using a process that builds the item layer by thin layer with a plastic material. The Cube 3D Printer is expected to go on sale sometime over the next few months for a reported $1299 USD. Plastic refill cartridges, available in 10 colors, will sell for $50 each.

The Cube 3D Printer wasn’t the only thing launched by 3D Systems at CES, also launched was the beta Cubify.com platform where, using downloadable 3D apps, users can access 3D printable content – libraries of games, puzzles and object collections – that can be downloaded, modified and used to print objects.

I absolutely adore what artist Michael Eden has been able to create using this burgeoning technology.

digital printing, artstormer, art, artist, ceramics, Michael Edendigital printing, artstormer, art, artist, ceramics, Michael Edendigital printing, artstormer, art, artist, ceramics, Michael Edendigital printing, artstormer, art, artist, ceramics, Michael Edendigital printing, artstormer, art, artist, ceramics, Michael Edendigital printing, artstormer, art, artist, ceramics, Michael Edendigital printing, artstormer, art, artist, ceramics, Michael Eden

15 replies to ““Cubify” 3D Printed “Ceramics” by Michael Eden

  1. Creating art using 3D printers is quite an exciting thing to see but the break-though in 3D technology offers us much more than ornaments, the limitations are pretty much endless although its great to see what uses designer/artists like Michael Eden can come up with with a little bit of inspiration.

    For designers and artists alike, things are changing rapidly and this 3D technology gives designers of not just art but almost everything a whole new set of tools to work with and to think that we will soon have these things in our homes is pretty mind boggling, but exciting all the same.

    We are all witness to this scientific breakthrough, and it should be noted in our memories that we are seeing the future open up before our very eyes, right now.

    I have read some pretty amazing things online and I watched the 3D technology advance over the last few years, if you are truly interested search on Google and like me you will find a vast array of new ideas that 3D printing is making possible, everything from printing human cells, printing of drugs and even using 3D printers to create buildings….all of this is happening right now…today, the age of 3D printers has arrived and I for one cant wait to see where this leads us.

  2. Michael is an amazing person, he was my teacher at University. His work is absolutely fascinating!

  3. Months ago on line I saw an amazing group of metal pieces Italy that were created first using scans of Piranesi etchings, scanned into a CAD program, then printed 3D, then refined and cast in metal and finished. This technology has incredible possibilities.

  4. Hi,
    Wow, that is just fantastic, a whole new wave of technology, simply amazing. I love what he has done, and imagine the possibilities for the future with this technology, it may even help in new designs for medical instruments for example, as well as artists. 😀

  5. Is is unnecessary, involved human intervention and potentially pleasing to the eye – but not necessarily for everybody? Then its art. Are the pyramids not art just because they required some engineering to stand upright for 5,000 years without mortar?

  6. I know. I think this unleashes so many possibilities for designers. exciting times. There are large scale printers but this “home version” has its limits. Glad you liked the post!

  7. Amazing, simply amazing. I wonder how large will the printer print? And after watching the video, it seems a piece could be made in graduated sizes for a series. His point is well made as to the hand/mind relationship in creating changes when you put a computer in the mix.

  8. Good example of paradigm shift. Everyone “assumes” that printing is physically limited to 2D when in fact it can be 3D. Same can be said for the reality we live in. 3D or the potential for 4D? Fossil fuel driven economy or the potential for clean, free and abundant solar energy? Limited rare earth minerals on earth commanding premium pricing or mining them from asteroids as James Cameron is doing? Foot travel begets horse travel begets car travel begets jet travel begets rocket travel begets time travel? BTW, I want one of these printers too! Maybe for my birthday?

  9. Oh my goodness I already wanted to buy a 3D printer and now I want both a printer and these sculptures!

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