“Boom Box” Paintings by Dave Muller

Music delivery formats are fantastic time capsules.  When I unearth items like old Sony Walkmans among the rubble of my kitchen junk drawer it is a reminder of how much we’ll tolerate to be entertained.  I even fondly remember hauling around giant boomboxes with double tape decks whilst mildly violating piracy laws with the creation of each “party mix”.  Those were the days….

Dave Muller’s beautiful stacks of albums, CD’s, and other acoustically focused paintings ROCK.

Gallery Representation: Dave Muller

Empty-Drum-Kit-3-K.M.-300-608x700 Empty-Drum-Kit-4-K.C.-300-603x700 Empty-Drum-Kit-5-J.B.-300-610x700davemuller3b (1) dm-b-2-00024_ Disneyland-Grace-Waiting-in-Line-for-Belles-Autograph-3 altogether-now Dave_Muller-Death_Disco-Install_5-072_smaller

3 replies to ““Boom Box” Paintings by Dave Muller

  1. Reblogged this on POPFFIT0 and commented:
    I’ve just found this guys work, which I think is really cool. Maybe its the drummer in me but these images really captured my imagination. Chin x

  2. These painting are awesome! I too have an old Walkman sitting in my cupboard that I might get out now and exhibit on a shelf.

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