“Frozen” Pastel Drawings by Zaria Forman


I’m not sure if you have noticed, but it has been a long while since I last posted.  The past month has been an exercise in fits and starts, accompanied by frigid weather.  Things have been busy around here;  including the launch of start-up in which I’m involved  (www.youscience.com).  I hope you will check it out (more on this later). But that is merely the tip of the iceberg…

Artist Zaria Forman produces some chillingly realistic work.  No problem warming up to this!

Gallery representation:  Carla Massoni Gallery

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7 replies to ““Frozen” Pastel Drawings by Zaria Forman

  1. Did you notice that I have not posted in a while either? Went up north for the holy days and the new years celebration. Thought about getting some nip and tuck but settled for some rest and relaxation. Why does a 10 ton boat float on water but a 2 oz quarter sink right to the bottom. Magic or physics. Kinda cool when you think about it. Whatever floats your boat, I guess. Say hello to youscience for me. tah, tah, for now. p.s. I read today that scientists think they may have discovered the Sun’s twin but its too far to touch or visit. I can relate…

  2. For me, confronting a new year can sometimes feel like what I imagine a painter might feel as she approaches a blank canvas – frozen with indecision about how and where to begin. That’s obviously not an issue for Zaria Forman. Amazing!

    Our family started the new year by diving into YouScience. Somehow, that process seems to have helped jumpstart productivity early this year. (Also amazing!)

    Thank you for continuing to inspire.

  3. Seriously! Are you kidding me! I lived in Alaska – I’ve experienced icebergs up close & personal – and Zaria Forman captures every extraordinary crack, crevice, and frozen beauty of this wild, wonderful world. And then the ocean paintings…OK we’ve got an artist with a bit of genius here…and she paints with gloves on – yikes!

    Thank you Betsy for trolling the marketplace and finding these treasures. God bless and good luck with youscience.com.
    Faril Meistrell for FafaBooks

  4. Will pass on to others,,, hope you had a happy new year!,,,wasn’t sure what “fits, and “starts” mean,, but website looks great!

    Sent from my iPad


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