“Signature Screw” Portraits by Andrew Myers

I’ve been meaning to post the work of Andrew Myers for some time, but the title of the post kept preventing me from doing it.  When an artist makes his work entirely of screws it is hard to think of much other then “Screw You” or “Screwed”.  So puerile, really.  As I often do, I turned to Wikipedia for inspiration, and found the world of screws goes well beyond Phillip’s head.   Screw taxonomy is ever evolving as evidenced below:.



The pentalobe screw drive is a five-pointed tamper-resistant system being implemented by Apple in its products.[29] Pentalobe screws were first used by Apple in mid-2009, holding the battery in the MacBook Pro; smaller versions are now used on the iPhone 4 and the MacBook Air.

You know your company has made it when you can afford a “signature screw”.

7 replies to ““Signature Screw” Portraits by Andrew Myers

  1. I love this. I wish I had the vision and talent to be able to create like this. I seem to remember seeing 3D artwork created with crayons or coloured pencils at a similar time to first seeing Andrew Myers work, which I had forgotten all about until now. Thanks for reminding me!

  2. I also did some internet searching and arrived at this quote related to Bhakti Yoga: “I drew the Goddess Eris down from above me and Pan from below me – they met somewhere in the middle and I lost consciousness in their climax.” – Aleister Crowley

    Thanks ArtStormer for the being the muse on such a magical journey through the world of art.

    Carpe diem!

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