“Swatch Watch” Paintings by Lalani Nan

Remember “Color Me Beautiful” Parties?  It was all the rage in the early 80’s.  A “consultant” would invite you over and drape fabric swatches over your neck so you could learn your “season”.    I’m a spring, but often have to fake like I’m a winter since they have the easiest time shopping.  They are authorized to wear black and white, which are infinitely simpler colors to find than “melon” or “safflower”.

Artist Lalani Nan’s paintings of fabric swatches are worthy of any season.

Gallery Representation: Kenise Barnes Fine Art

5 replies to ““Swatch Watch” Paintings by Lalani Nan

  1. I heard two people talking about this stuff last night and now I feel like I have no understanding about painting. The technique is amazing and there is something new about it, but yeah it’s not really saying anything.

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