“Prism Party” Light Paintings by Stephen Knapp

One of my dear friends, and idols, Mandy B.,  lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.  She is one of those rare people who is the nexus between yesterday and tomorrow.  I suppose that is what you call “timeless”.

She has only recently embraced technology, meaning an email address.

I’m so grateful she DID because now I can receive all of her great ideas in real-time.  She gmailed me last week that I needed to investigate the “newest medium” of the 21st century, “Light Painting”.  No question, these are a real “turn on”

Stephen Knapp has truly introduced a unique and beautiful art form.  I couldn’t help but include my own work on the bottom of the post.  I’m under no illusion that I can quit my day job, but you can see how Stephen’s work appealed to me.

Light on my bedroom wall...

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